Sensory impacts and consumer acceptability of using dates as analternative functional sweetener in traditional Indian sweets


  • Rizwan Yargatti
  • Aditi Rajesh Deshmane



Background: Natural ingredients are increasingly valued by consumers, influencing the food industry significantly. While the functional and pharmacological benefits of Date Fruit are established widely, its application remains largely confined to traditional Indian sweets as a substitute for sugar. Traditional Indian sweets hold high cultural significance and, traditionally, rely on sugar for production. This study aims to understand the change in sensory characteristics of selective Indian sweets, specifically Seviyan Kheer when sugar is replaced with date syrup.

Objective: To review the functional properties of dates and investigate the effects of replacing sugar with dates in a traditional Indian sweet, Seviyan kheer, with a focus on sensory qualities.

Methods: Seviyan Kheer was prepared using varying amounts of date syrup as a sugar substitute. A comprehensive consumer preference test was carried out, and the data collected was analyzed using SPSS to determine significant differences between different samples.

Results: Among the five samples [S11, S22, S33, S44, and S55], the control sample [S11] showed highest preference. All samples were significantly different from each other across various sensory attributes [Colour, Taste, Aroma, Texture/Consistency, After Taste, and Overall Acceptability]. S11 received a cumulative satisfaction score of 100% before tapering down to 35.3% for S55. This general pattern supports a decrease in customer satisfaction as the percentage of date syrup rose, particularly in cases where there was a substantial sugar substitution.

Conclusion: These results suggest that although date fruit has its advantage as a functional sweetener and has the potential to be a sugar substitute, modifications may be necessary to achieve a sensory satisfaction level comparable to traditional sugar-sweetened versions.

Keywords: Dates, Functional Sweetener, Sensory Evaluation, Consumer Acceptability, Traditional Indian Sweets, Alternative Sweeteners.





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