Prediction Xylen Detox with food intake containing CYP2E1 enzyme and glycine on workers in Surabaya car painting area Indonesia
Introduction: Xylene is an aromatic hydrocarbon with colourless, flammable, and volatile characteristics. The main exposure occurs through inhalation, as paint solvent vapor is released during the spray-painting process and can be inhaled by workers in the car painting area in Surabaya. One way to deal with xylene exposure in the workplace is to detoxify xylene through foods containing the enzymes CYP2E1 and Glycine.
Objective: This study aims to predict the detoxification of xylene through food intake containing the CYP2E1 enzyme and glycine among workers in the car painting area of Surabaya, Indonesia. The primary goal is to evaluate how dietary factors influence xylene metabolism and elimination, potentially reducing occupational health risks associated with xylene exposure.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional observational study. The group being studied includes 2 strata of car painting workers and car retainer groups. Sampling was carried out through random sampling with proportional groups of 51 respondents including 36 painters and 15 workers in caulking areas. The research variables included weight, job time, weekly hours, work time per day, and xylene concentration. Once all variables had been gathered, each respondent's breathing rate and noncarcinogen intake were calculated. Lastly, we figure out the right amounts of foods with CYP2E1 enzymes and glycine.
Results: The level of xylene near the Surabaya car painting zone was above the threshold set for Xylen exposure at work. Foods that contain CYP2E1 enzyme are beef, brains. Glycine can be obtained from spinach.
Conclusion: The effective dose of food ingredients for xylen detox needed by each worker differs depending on the individual characteristics of each worker, ranging from body weight to length of work. Control with regular air checks to determine the condition of the xylene concentration level at work, providing air ventilation (local exhaust), specifically for partially enclosed workshops, using paint with safer organic solvents, and wearing personal protective equipment like a half-mask respirator with organic vapor cartridges, are steps taken to lower xylene levels.
Keywords: Xylen, CYP2E1 Enzyme, Glycine, Car Painting, Workers
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