Mode of action of some bioactive compounds with anticancer activity


  • Abolanle A. A. Kayode
  • Grace F. Okumede
  • Great O. Alabi



Cancer is characterized by the development of cells that are unlike normal cells and they divide rapidly and also corrupt and destroy normal tissues in the body. Cancer cells possess the ability to spread through the body and cause damage. Cancer is caused by the mutation of DNA. The estimate of cancer cases worldwide as of 202 has risen to 19.3 million and almost 10.0 million cancer deaths. Cancer has several meanswith which it sustains its growth. Cancerous action in the body involves unchecked, uncontrolled cell division and metastisis which is characterized by incading of other cells and tissues in the body. This is caused by a series of mutation in the genes of proteins that regulate the cell cycle and some other processes in the cell. These mutations suppress the ability of the cell to stop the cell cycle and promote cell division which causes continuous and uncontrolled division of cells. Bioactive compounds can be derived from plants, animals, or other sources and they have a wide range of biological and functional activities like anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anticancer, and antidiabetic activities; with the plant sources widely researched into for anticancer activities. Bioactive compounds have in recent years gained popularity in their role against cancer. This current study aims to review the mechanisms of action of anticancer activity of some of these bioactive compounds. 

Keywords: anticancer, bioactive compounds, cancer, genistein, mechanism





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