Mango (Mangifera indica Linn) and Anti-Inflammatory Benefits: Versatile Roles in Mitochondrial Bio-Energetics and Exercise Physiology


  • Anand Swaroop
  • Sidney J. Stohs
  • Manashi Bagchi
  • Hiroyoshi Moriyama
  • Debasis Bagchi



Background: Mangoes are a popular fruit enjoyed worldwide. The mango is known for its pleasing aroma in addition to its refreshing and soothing taste. Researchers around the globe have demonstrated the diverse beneficial effects of Mangifera indica Linn in human health and disease prevention. Additionally, we should acknowledge how Ayurvedic medicine uses different parts of the mango tree. This branch of medicine has used the leaves, twigs, bark, seeds, flowers, raw and ripe fruits of mango to treat diverse degenerative diseases for thousands of years.

Ethnobotany: The mango (Mangifera indica) originally came from India about 4,000 years ago. Since then, the mango has slowly spread across the world. The mango belongs to the family “Anacardiaceae” under the genus “Mangifera” and species “indica”. The mango is also referred to as “Asia’s King of Fruits” or a Royal fruit. The color of the mango fruit varies from green, yellowish green, yellow, yellowish red, orange red and red. The smell and taste of the mango fruit varies based on its state of maturity in addition to place of origin and climate. Different parts of a mango tree and mango fruit are rich in vitamins and antioxidants including vitamins B, C, E and beta-carotene, alkaloids, flavonoids, and polyphenolic compounds which include mangiferin, anthocyanins and anthocyanidins, micronutrients and essential minerals, structurally diverse carbohydrates, dietary fibers, fat, and protein. 

Health Benefits: Previous and current research demonstrate that the mango fruit and leaf extract, which is enriched in mangiferin and contains structurally diverse chemical constituents, are beneficial. The mango fruit and leaf extract have been shown to boost vitality, vigor, and endurance, leading to extensive application in exercise physiology. Furthermore, these constitutes ameliorate diverse degenerative disease related to metabolic syndrome, bacterial infections, gastrointestinal, and immunomodulatory disorders.

Conclusions: Mango and mangiferin exhibit diverse health benefits including energy boosting, exercise performance, and human health.

Keywords: Mango (Mangifera indica); mangiferin; vitamins and anthocyanins; anti-inflammatory; endurance, energy homeostasis; exercise





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