The investigation of bioactive compounds in the Charentsi grape variety and its derived wines


  • Bella Grigoryan
  • Mikayel Mikayelyan



Background: Grapes contain thousands of chemical compounds, including sugars, organic acids, phenolic compounds, minerals, organic nitrogen, amino acids, and aromatic compounds.

Objectives: The study investigates the possibility of producing high-quality red wines from the Charentsi grape variety and observes the extraction of   bioactive compounds formed during fermentation.

Results: The organic acids in grapes and wine were also studied.  There were significant differences in the compounds mentioned above between wine samples based on the yeasts used. 

Our observations showed that the amount of tartaric acid in the Charentsi grape variety was 7.26 g/l, and after fermentation by using different yeasts in the wine samples, the content of tartaric acid was: BSC:103 2.06 g/l, AC-4: 1.79 g/l. The grape sample contained 3.01g/l malic acid, while the selections of wine BCS103 and AC-4 contained 2.01g/l and 3.00g/l, respectively. In the case of citric acid, the grape contained 0.5 g/l a, while the wine samples with BCS103 and AC-4 yeasts contained 0.52 g/l and 0.57 g/l respectively.

The grape sample did not contain lactic acid or succinic acid. Wine samples were fermented by a variety of newly formed yeasts. In BCS103 yeast, these values were 1.89 g/l and 1.63 g/l, and 1.3 g/l and 1.61 g/l in AC-4.

The values of anthocyanin and flavonoids in Charentsi grape variety are 2084.5 mg/kg and 8828.6 mg/kg, respectively. Wine samples contained high quantities of these compounds as well. The anthocyanin and flavonoids concentrations In BCS103, were 842.7 mg/l and 4898.22 mg/l, while they were 783.3 mg/l and 5025.5 mg/l in AC-4. The total phenolic compounds detected in the wine samples were 4957.9 mg/l and 5102.6 mg/l, in BCS103 and AC-4 respectively. According to the analysis, 37%-40% of anthocyanin and 55-56% of flavonoids were transferred to the wine.

Conclusion: Charentsi grapes and wine are highly functional due to their high phenolic content and organic acids. These compounds are biologically active and influenced by the yeast strain used for wine fermentation.

Keywords: grapes, red wine, phenolic compounds, organic acids, bioactive compounds





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