A comprehensive review of the preventive action of Natural Nutraceutical Ingredients in reducing Chemotherapy – Induced Side effects


  • Rajashri Gutte Research Scholar, Institute of Management & Research, MGM university, Aurangabad, MH India 431001
  • Vijaya Deshmukh Director, Institute of Management &Research, MGM University, Aurangabad, MH India 431001




Cancer is an umbrella term for more than 100 diseases, having the ability to access every part of the body. Chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer can harm cells in the body including the nervous system and main functioning parts like the heart, lungs, and kidney, according to the American Cancer Society(2020).

This re-evaluation aims to give a detailed synopsis of the evidence supporting the effectiveness of natural nutraceutical ingredients and their role in minimizing chemotherapy-related side effects by reviewing several published studies.

Research Gap gives ideas for searching for an ingredient with greater efficacy and fewer or no side effects.

This study focuses on natural nutraceutical ingredients as opposed to synthetic ingredients because the latter are poorly absorbed by the body and have more negative side effects. This study recommends using natural nutraceutical ingredients as supportive care supplements to treat chemo-related side effects and strengthen patients’ immune systems to fight the disease by regenerating their tissues.

The main purpose of the study is to combine conventional medical practices with nutritionally enhanced autonomous human body recovery using natural ingredients in cancer patients.
This review will provide an overview based on the fact that natural ingredients, including bioactive components, enriched fractions, and extracts in both raw and pristine form, are shown as preventive measures for the treatment of cancer.

Keywords: Cancer, Chemotherapy-induced side effects, therapeutic benefits, Natural Nutraceutical ingredients, Supportive care, etc.






Review Articles